Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects:
Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects:
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Make your own useful and attractive outdoor gear!
- 12 easy projects for lanyards, straps, wraps, keychains, and more
- Survival bracelets that come apart quickly to provide emergency cord
- Practical gear for camping, hiking, and more
- Detailed instructions and step-by-step photos
- Ropecrafting advice for knots, fusing, tools, and materials
If you love the outdoors, you'll love parachute cord! Strong, lightweight, and durable, it's the most versatile material ever developed for making outdoor gear and accessories.
This book shows you how easy it is to use colorful paracord to create attractive and useful survival bracelets, lanyards, pouches, straps, slings, and more.
Perfect for kids and the beginning paracordist, Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects takes you step by step through all the knots and wraps you need to know. Get practical advice on tools and materials, and learn the right way to melt and fuse the cut ends of your cord.
Whether you're camping in the wilderness, working outside, attending a game, or just walking the dog, you're sure to find the ideal DIY project here!
If you're not familiar with paracord and its many inventive uses, the book provides a great introduction to this increasingly popular craft.
From the Back Cover
Make Your Own
If you love the outdoors, you'll love parachute cord! Strong, lightweight, and durable, it's the most versatile material ever developed for making outdoor gear and accessories. This book shows you how easy it is to use colorful paracord to create attractive and useful survival bracelets, lanyards, straps, and more.
Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects takes you step by step through all the knots and wraps you need to know. Get practical advice on tools and materials, and learn the right way to melt and fuse the cut ends of your cord. Whether you're camping in the wilderness, working outside, or just walking the dog, you're sure to find the ideal DIY project here.
"The book provides a great introduction to this increasingly popular craft." —Scouting Magazine
- Survival bracelets that come apart quickly to provide emergency cord
- Practical gear for camping, hiking, and more
- Detailed instructions and step-by-step photos
- Ropecrafting advice for knots, fusing, tools, and materials
Joel Hooks is always up on the latest materials, techniques, and trends in parachute cord due to his position as Sales Executive and Project Manager for Pepperell Braiding Company—the world's leading parachute cord manufacturer and supplier. Joel learned the basics of knot craft as a teenager, camping with the Boy Scouts in his native Texas. At Pepperell, Joel has been immersed in all aspects of parachute cord—from operating the machines that make it to giving demonstrations on knot tying, and everything in between.